Welcome to Worthing Christ Church
You are most welcome to come and join our worship:
First, Third and Fifth Sundays: Common Worship Holy Communion at 10.30am
Second and Fourth Sundays, Common Worship Morning Prayer at 10.30am
First and Third Sundays, BCP Evensong at 6pm
Second and Fourth Thursdays BCP shortened Said Holy Communion at 10.30am
or why not pop in for a coffee and a chat during the week –
Tuesday and Wednesday from 10.30 to 12 noon, or Thursday afternoon from 2.30pm to 4pm.
Parish Administrator – PLEASE NOTE THE NEW EMAIL!!! – christchurch1843@gmail.com
SAFEGUARDING is of the utmost importance to us at Christ Church. See the dedicated page for details.
Parish office: The Parish Admin team are available in the church, when the church is open every Wednesday from 10.30 to noon, or Thursday afternoon from 2.30pm to 4pm. Please email the administrator if you need to get in touch at christchurch1843@gmail.com
We always meet in fellowship after the service for a chat over a cuppa.
We look forward to seeing you very soon!
For details of upcoming events, see our “Concerts and Events 2025” page
Some other useful links…
Weddings.. If you would like to know more about getting married in church.. Congratulations!! It is such a wonderful time, and we would love to be there for you. To find out more information, and give you more ideas for your big day Click here
Baptisms.. If you would like to arrange a baptism in our church, we would love to hear from you! Click here for more information
Funerals… If you would like some supportive information to help you organise a funeral for a loved one click here for some useful information we hope will help.
For the Chichester Diocese website, Click here